ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Friday, February 7, 2025

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  1. Tamil Nadu Government
  2. Ministry of Environment and Forests
  3. Environmental Information System
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  5. National Biodiversity Authority
  6. Department of Ocean Technology
  7. National Informatics Centre
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  9. United Nations Development Programme
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  11. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  12. World Bank
  13. Zoological Survey of India
  14. Forest Department
  15. Botanical Survey of India
  16. Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
  17. Central Pollution Control Board
  18. Central Water and Power Research Station
  19. Department of Conservation
  20. Department of Science and Technology
  21. Environment Canada
  22. Fisheries Management for Sustainable Livelihoods
  23. Government of Tamil Nadu Department of Environment
  24. Integrated Coastal and Marine Area Management Project Directorate
  25. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
  26. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  27. M S Swaminathan Research Foundation
  28. Ministry of Earth Sciences
  29. Ministry of Environment & Forests
  30. National Aquatic Resources Research & Development Agency
  31. National Biodiversity Authority
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  34. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
  35. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  36. Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia
  37. Society of Integrated Coastal Management
  38. Survey of India
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  40. The Resource and Information Network for the Coast
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  42. UNESCO IHE Institute for Water Education
  43. United Nations Environment Programme
  44. United States Environmental Protection Agency
  45. World Meteorological Organization
  46. World Wildlife Fund