ENVIS Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Friday, February 7, 2025
Tree Planting Ideas for Kids
Choose a correct location to plant your tree
Make sure there will be enough place for the tree to grow. Are there overhead wires underground utilities?
Ø Is it wet? Dry? Sunny? Shady?
Ø Is it a crowded space between buildings?
Ø Is it very nearer to road?
Ø Do you want to shade your house or garden/yard? Or Think the purpose
Ø Do you want to bring color or wildlife to your yard?
You will need to plant a tree that will grow in your geographic area as well as with the particular conditions of your chosen spot. Contact a local nursery, State Forest Department or garden club to find out what trees would prosper.
v The tree's rootball should be kept moist until ready to plant.
v Planting hole should be large enough to accommodate the roots without crowding or bending.
v Hole should be deeper than the root length. Put the tree in the hole in the center of the planting area,.
v If the rootball is covered, remove the covering.
v Add soil around the tree until you have filled the hole.
v Settle the soil with the water.
v Add a layer of mulch 2-3 inches deep and 3 feet in diameter around the tree trunk,
v Do not place mulch up against the tree's trunk.
v Keep the mulch at least 6 inches from the base of the trunk.
Water your tree properly throughout the first growing season. Soak the soil once a week unless adequate rainfall occurs, but don't overwater
Ø Keep the area free weed and from grass.
Ø Prune only dead, broken and crossing branches during the first two growing seasons.
Ø Then prune as needed.
Ø Observe your tree. Keep a record of its growth and animal visitors.
Ø Replenish mulch often.
“Enjoy the beauty of your tree”.