The Environmental Information System Centre sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India is functioning in the Department of Environment from October 2002. This Environment Information System Centre will provide information on various aspects about the State of Environment and related issues of Tamil Nadu. ENVIS centre is engaged in collection, collation, storage, retrieval, dissemination of environmental information through a website and publication of Newsletters, creation of web based database, answering environmental queries etc. are some of the activities.
The MoEF&CC, GoI based on the regular and periodic online assessment by independent Experts and assessment during physical verification and valuation on the activities carried out, graded ENVIS centres as Category A. Those ENVIS centres, scored A grade for three consecutive years awarded BEST ENVIS CENTRE (STATE) along with Rupees one lakh for the development of Centre.
All over India there are 69 ENVIS centres functioning at different areas. The ENVIS centre functioning under the control of the Director of Environment, Government of Tamil Nadu is the only centre which has scored A grade for the three consecutive years for the years 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 respectively and hence the MoEF&CC., GoI awarded the Tamil Nadu State ENVIS Centre with “BEST ENVIS CENTRE AWARD (STATE) along with Rupees one lakh for the development of the Centre, for the Year 2015-16 at the National Evaluation Workshop held on March 17th 2017 at Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat.
Besides many activities the Major activities carried out by the Tamil Nadu ENVIS Centre during the year 2015-16 are:
1. Two Information Booklets on Gulf of Mannar (Bilingual) and Common wetland fishes of Tamil Nadu (Bilingual) were prepared and released.
2. Three Data bases viz., Data base on Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve in Tamil Nadu, Database on Solid Waste Management of Tamil Nadu and Climate Change Database were prepared.
3. Three Environment profiles of Eco sensitive area in Tamil Nadu, Western Region, Northern Region and Southern Region were prepared and released.
4. Four periodical quarterly newsletters were prepared and released on the topics viz.,. (i) Traditional Knowledge Key to Sustainability, (ii) Coastal Management in Tamil Nadu (iii) KMTR –An eco-sensitive area in Tamil Nadu and (iv) Estuaries of Tamil Nadu.