S.NO. |
Focal Point, ENVIS Secretariat
http://envis.nic.in |
Dr. Anandi Subramanian - Economic Advisor to GoI
Mr. Kumar Rajnish - National Programme Coordinator (NPC)
ENVIS Secretariat,
Ministry of Environment and Forests,
6th floor, 'Agni Wing', Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Jor Bagh, Aliganj,
NEW DELHI-110003
Phone: 011-24695287
Fax: 011-24695281
Email: envisect@nic.in
1 |
1 |
Control of Pollution (Water, Air and Noise)
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology )
http://cpcbenvis.nic.in |
Dr. D.S. Kamyotra - Member Secretary
Shri G. Ganesh, ENVIS Coordinator(9213828705)
Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB)
Parivesh Bhawan, CBD-Cum Office Complex East Arjun Nagar
DELHI-110 032
Phone: 011-22301932, 43102258
Fax: 011-22304948, 22301932, 43102258
Email: cpcb-envi@nic.in |
2 |
51 |
Hygiene, Sanitation and Environment, Sewage Treatment Systems and Technology
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology)
http://sulabhenvis.nic.in |
Dr. Namita Mathur, Head & ENVIS Coordinator
Sulabh International Institute of Health and Hygiene (Sulabh)
Sulabh Bhawan, Mahavir Enclave
NEW-DELHI-110 045
Phone: 011-25058941
Coordinator: 9810055105
Fax: 011-25034014
Email: sulabh@envis.nic.in |
3 |
1 |
Control of Pollution (Water, Air and Noise)
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology )
http://cpcbenvis.nic.in |
Dr. D.S. Kamyotra - Member Secretary Ms. Mita Sharma - ENVIS Coordinator
Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB)
Parivesh Bhawan, CBD-Cum Office Complex East Arjun Nagar
DELHI-110 032
Phone: 011-22308902, 22306128, 22301932
Fax: 011-22307233, 22304948
Email: cpcb@envis.nic.in |
4 |
4 |
Renewable Energy and Environment
(Environment and Energy Management )
http://terienvis.nic.in |
Dr. R.K. Pachauri - Director General Shri. P.K. Bhattacharya - ENVIS Coordinator
The Energy Resources Institute(TERI)
Darbari Seth Block, Habitat Centre, Lodi Road
NEW-DELHI-110 003
Phone: 011-24682100, 24682111
Fax: 011-24682144
Email: teri@envis.nic.in |
5 |
12 |
Human Settlement
(Ecology and Ecosystems )
http://spaenvis.nic.in |
Prof. Shoben K. Saha - Director Prof. Meenakshi Dhote - ENVIS Coordinator
School of Planning and Architecture(SPA)
4, Block , I.P. Estate
NEW-DELHI-110 002
Phone: 011-23702393, 23702395
Fax: 011-23702383
Email: spa@envis.nic.in |
6 |
13 |
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology)
http://jnuenvis.nic.in |
Prof. V.K. Jain - ENVIS Coordinator School of Environmental Sciences (JNU)
Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.
NEW-DELHI-110 067
Phone: 011-26704315
Fax: 011-26106502
Email: jnu@envis.nic.in |
7 |
32 |
Industry - Government Environmental Interface
(Environment Law and Trade)
Operational URL http://www.govtindustry-environment.com
Non Operational URL http://ciienvis.nic.in |
Dr. K.P. Nyati - Director Environment Management Division - Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)
India Habitat Centre 4th Floor,
Core4A, Lodhi Road NEW-DELHI-110 003
Phone: 011-24682230-35
Fax: 011-24682229, 24682228
Email: cii@envis.nic.in |
8 |
40 |
Environmentally Sound Appropriate Technologies and Sustainable Livelihoods
(Environment and Energy Management)
http://daenvis.nic.in |
Mr. George C. Varughese - President Ms. Sushmita Das - ENVIS Coordinator
Development Alternatives(DA)
111-Z/9, Kishangarh Vasant Kunj
NEW-DELHI-110 070
Phone: 011-26967938, 26851158
Fax: 011-26130814
Email: da@envis.nic.in |
9 |
41 |
Non Government Organisations Media and Parliament Matter Related to EnvironmentMedia,
(Environment Education and Sustainable Development)
http://wwfenvis.nic.in |
Mr. Ravi Singh - Secretary General and CEO Mr. G.Areendran - Director & ENVIS Coordinator
World Wide Fund for Nature - India(WWF)
Indira Gandhi conservation Monitoring Centre,
172-B, Lodhi Estate,
NEW-DELHI-110 003
Phone: 011-41504791/51504793
Fax: 011-41504779, 24691226
Email: wwf@envis.nic.in |
10 |
44 |
Panchayati Raj and Environment
(Environment and Energy Management)
http://iesenvis.nic.in |
Dr. Desh Bandhu - President Indian Environmental Society(IES)
U-112, Vidatha House,
Vikas Marg, Shakarpur,
NEW-DELHI-110 092
Phone: 011-22046823, 22450749
Fax: 011-22523311
Email: ies@envis.nic.in |
11 |
45 |
Communication and Electronic Media
(Media, Environment Education and Sustainable Development )
http://cmsenvis.nic.in |
Dr. N. Baskara Rao - Chairman Mrs. Alka Tomar - ENVIS Coordinator
Centre for Media Studies(CMS)
Research House, B-34,
Community Centre, Saket,
NEW-DELHI-110 017
Phone: 011-26851660, 26856429
Fax: 011-26968282
Email: cms@envis.nic.in |
12 |
46 |
Women and Environment
(Environment and Energy Management)
Operational URL http://www.womenenvironment.org
Non Operational URL http://stemenvis.nic.in |
Prof. B. Bhaskara Rao - Director Dr.(Mrs.) Papia Lahiri - ENVIS Coordinator
Centre for Symbiosis of Technology, Environment and Management (STEM)
Pocket B-10, Flat No. 7077 Vasant Kunj
NEW-DELHI-110 070
Phone: +919350532857, 011-26122841
Email: stem@envis.nic.in |
13 |
52 |
Environmental Audit and Accounting
(Environment Law and Trade)
Dr. K.V. Swaminathan - Chairman Mr. S.R. Adige - ENVIS Coordinator
Waterfalls Institute of Technology Transfer (WITT)
J-29, South Extension-I,
NEW-DELHI-110 049
Phone: 011-24642269
Fax: 011-24619083
Email: witt@envis.nic.in |
1 |
60 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
Non-Operational URL http://gujenvis.nic.in
Operational URL http://www.gec.gov.in/envis/ |
Mr. C.H. Pandya - Director Mr.Nischal Joshi - ENVIS Coordinator
Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC),
First Floor, Udhyog Bhawan,
Block No. 18, Sector No. 11,
Phone: 079-23257658, 23257659
Fax: 079-23257656
Email: guj@envis.nic.in |
2 |
37 |
Cleaner Production and Technology
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology)
Non-Operational URL http://gcpcenvis.nic.in
Operational URL http://www.gcpcgujarat.org/envis/ |
Mr. Bharat P. Jain - Member Secretary ENVIS Coordinator
Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre (GCPC),
Third Floor, Udhyog Bhawan,
Block No. 4, Sector No. 11,
Phone: 079-23243211, 23225811-14
Fax: 079-23244306
Email: gcpc@envis.nic.in |
3 |
5 |
Environmental and Occupational Health
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology)
Non-Operational URL http://niohenvis.nic.in
Operational URL http://www.envisnioh.org |
Dr. H.N. Sayed - Director Dr. Sunil Kumar - ENVIS Coordinator
National Institute of Occupational Health (NIOH),
Meghani Nagar,
Phone: 079-22686351,22686259
Fax: 079-22686361
Email: nioh@envis.nic.in |
4 |
42 |
Environmental Education
(Media, Environment Education and Sustainable Development )
Non-Operational URL http://ceeenvis.nic.in
Operational URL http://www.greenteacher.org |
Mr. Kartikeya V. Sarabhai - Director Mr. Ramesh Savalia - ENVIS Coordinator
Centre for Environment Education(CEE),
Nehru Foundation for Development,
Taltej Tekra,
Phone: 079-26858002-09
Fax: 079-26858010
Email: cee@envis.nic.in |
5 |
47 |
Eco-Labeling and Promotion of Eco-Friendly Products
(Environment Law and Trade )
Non-Operational URL http://cercenvis.nic.in
Operational URL http://www.enviscerc.org |
Mr. Kalyan Bose - Hon.Director Mrs. Jose Emmanuel - ENVIS Coordinator
Consumer Education and Research Centre (CERC),
Suraksha Sankool,
Thaltej,Gandhinagar Highway,
Phone: 079-27489945-46, 27450528, 27451097
Fax: 079-27489947
Email: cerc@envis.nic.in |
1 |
76 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://trpenvis.nic.in |
Prof. Mihir Deb - Chairman Mr. Sumonto Chakraborti - ENVIS Engineer
Tripura State Pollution Control Board,
Vigyan Bhawan, Pandit Nehru Complex,
Gorkhabasti, P.O. Kunjaban,
Phone: 0381-2225421, 2328792, 2300368
Fax: 0381-2225421
Email: trp@envis.nic.in |
1 |
69 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://mizenvis.nic.in |
Mr. C.Lalduhawma - Member Secretary Mizoram Pollution Control Board,
Govt. of Mizoram,
Silver House, Tuikhuahtlang,
Phone: 0389-2316590, 2326173, 231184,
Fax: 0389-2316590
Email: miz@envis.nic.in |
1 |
11 |
Himalayan Ecology
(Ecology and Ecosystems )
http://www.gbpihedenvis.nic.in |
Dr. L.M.S. Palni - Director Dr. P.P. Dhyani - ENVIS Coordinator,
G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development
Kosi - Katarmal,
Phone: 05962-241041, 241153
Fax: 05962-241150, 241014
Email Id: gbpihed@envis.nic.in |
1 |
64 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
Non-Operational URL http://www.parisaramaniti.kar.nic.in
Operational URL http://karenvis.nic.in |
Shri R.M.N. Sahai - IFS Mr. Felix Nitz - ENVIS Coordinator,
Environment Management & Policy Institute (EMPRI),
Department of Forests, Environment and Ecology
Govt. of Karnataka
Hasiru Bhawan, Doresanipalya,
Forest Campus, Vinayaka Nagar Circle,
J.P. Nagar, 5th Phase,
Phone: 080-26490746, 26490747
Fax: 080-26490745, 22254377
Email Id: kar@envis.nic.in |
2 |
6 |
Western Ghats and Biological Diversity
(Ecology and Ecosystems)
Operational URL http://www.wgbis.ces.iisc.ernet.in /biodiversity/
Non Operational URL http://iiscenvis.nic.in |
Prof. R.Sukumar - Chairman Dr. T.V. Ramachandran - ENVIS Coordinator
Centre for Ecological Sciences - Indian Institute of Science(IIS)
Indian Institute of Science,
Phone: 91-080-23600985, 22933099, 22932506
Fax: 91-080-23601428, 23600085, 23600683
Email Id: iisc@envis.nic.in |
3 |
25 |
Environmental Law
(Environment Law and Trade )
Non Operational URL http://nlsinenvis.nic.in
Operational URL http://nlsiuenvis.nic.in |
Dr. A. Jaygovind - Director Dr. O.V. Nandimath - ENVIS Coordinator
National Law School of India University(NLSIU)
Nagarbhavi, P.O.Box - 7201
Phone: 080-23213160, 23211303
Fax: 080-23217858
Email Id: nlsiu@envis.nic.in |
4 |
49 |
Conservation of Medicinal Plants
(Flora, Fauna and Conservation )
http://frlhtenvis.nic.in |
Dr. D.K. Ved - IFS, Director Ms. Suma TS - ENVIS Coordinator
Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT)
74/2, Jarakbande Kaval,
Yelahanka, via Attu PO,
Phone: 080-28565847, 28568007
Fax: 080-28565895
Email Id: frlht@envis.nic.in |
1 |
66 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://mpenvis.nic.in |
Shri. Praveen Grag - Executive Director Dr. Rakesh Dubey - Director & ENVIS Coordinator
Disaster Management Institute(DMI)
Housing and Environment Department, Paryavaran Parisar,
E-5,Arera Colony,P.B.No.563,
BHOPAL-462 016,
(Madhya Pradesh)
Phone: 0755-2466715, 2461538, 2461348, 5293592
Fax: 0755-2466653
Email Id: mp@envis.nic.in |
1 |
71 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://orienvis.nic.in |
Shri. Bhagirathi Behera,IFS - Director Mr. Pravat Mohan Dash - ENVIS Coordinator
Centre for Environmental Studies (CES)
Forest & Environment Department,
Government of Orissa,
N - 1/247, IRC Village, Nayapalli,
Phone: 0674-2551853
Fax: 0674-2553182
Email Id: ori@envis.nic.in |
1 |
72 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://punenvis.nic.in |
Ms. Neelima Jerath - Executive Director Dr. S.K. Saxena - ENVIS Coordinator
Punjab State Council for Science and Technology (PSCST)
MGSIPA Complex, Second Floor,
Adj. Sacred Heart School, Sector-26
Phone: 0172-2793143,2793600,2793300,2792325
Fax: 0172-27903143
Email Id: pun@envis.nic.in |
2 |
82 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://chandigarhenvis.nic.in |
Shri. Ishwar Singh - Director Mr. P.J.S. Dadhwal - ENVIS Coordinator
Department of Environment - Chandigarh
Chandigarh Administration,
II Floor Additional Town Hall Building, Sector 17-C
Phone: 0172-3295436, 2700065
Fax: 0172-2700149
Email Id: ch@envis.nic.in |
1 |
75 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://tnenvis.nic.in |
Thiru Rahul Nadh, I.A.S., Director
Department of Environment and Climate Change, Tamil Nadu #1, Jeenis Road, Panagal Building, Ground Floor, Saidapet,
CHENNAI-600 015
Phone: 044-24331243
2 |
20 |
Environmental Economics
(Environment Law and Trade)
Operational URL http://www.envis.mse.ac.in
Non Operational URL http://mseenvis.nic.in |
Dr. D.K. Srivastava - Director Dr. K.S. Kavi Kumar - ENVIS Coordinator
Madras School of Economics(MSE)
Gandhi Mandampam Road
CHENNAI-600 025,
(Tamil Nadu)
Phone: 044-22352157
Fax: 044-22352155
Email Id: mse@envis.nic.in |
3 |
23 |
Micro-organisms and environmental management
Flora, Fauna and Conservation
http://dzumenvis.nic.in |
Prof. N. Munusamy - Hon. Director/ENVIS Co-ordinator
Department of Zoology - University of Madras
Life Science Building, Guindy Campus,
CHENNAI-600 025,
(Tamil Nadu)
Phone: 044-22300899
Fax: 044-22300899
Email Id: dzum@envis.nic.in |
4 |
28 |
Coastal Regulation Zone Management
(Ecology and Ecosystems)
http://www.iomenvis.in |
Prof. R. Ramesh - Director Institute for Ocean Management(IOM)
Anna University
CHENNAI-600 025,
(Tamil Nadu)
Phone: 044- 22200159, 22330108, 22203408
Fax: 044-22200158
Email Id: iom@envis.nic.in |
5 |
48 |
Conservation of Ecological Heritage and Sacred Sites in India
(Ecology and Ecosystems)
http://cpreecenvis.nic.in |
Dr.(Mrs.) Nanditha C, Krishna - Hon. Director Mr. P. Sudhakar - Joint Director & ENVIS Coordinator
CPR Environmental Education Centre (CPR)
1 Eldams Road, Alwarpet,
CHENNAI-600 018,
(Tamil Nadu)
Phone: 044-24346526, 24337023
Fax: 044-24320756
Email Id: cpreec@envis.nic.in |
1 |
53 |
Ecology and Ecosystems
Non operational URL http://saconenvis.nic.in
operational URL http://www.sacon.in/ |
Dr. P.A. Azeez - Director Dr. S. Narendra Prasad - ENVIS Coordinator
Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History(SACON),
Anaikatty P.O.
(Tamil Nadu)
Phone: 0422-2657101-105, 2657086, 2657096
Fax: 0422-2657088
Email Id: sacon@envis.nic.in |
1 |
81 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
Non operational URL http://ddenvis.nic.in |
Mr. Richard D'Souza - Chairman Mr. Birendra Chaudhary - IFS, Deputy Conservator of Forests (WL)
Union Territories of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu Forest Department (Wildlife Division),
Van Bhavan, Opp. Gujarat Industrial Bank,
Silvassa Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli
DAMAN & DIU-396230,
(Dadra and Nagar Haveli )
Phone: 02638-2230963, 2230524
Fax: 02638-2230804
Email Id: dd@envis.nic.in |
1 |
78 |
Status of Environment and Related
(Issues Status of Environment )
http://utrenvis.nic.in |
Dr. T.B. Singh - Chief Environment Officer Shri. Amarjeet Singh Oberai - ENVIS Coordinator
Uttarakhand Environment Protection & Pollution Control Board (UEPPCB)
E-115, Nehru Colony, Hardwar Road,
DEHRADUN-248 011,
Phone: 0135- 2668922
Fax: 0135- 2668092
Email Id: utr@envis.nic.in |
2 |
16 |
(Flora, Fauna and Conservation)
http://frienvis.nic.in |
Dr. S.S. Negi - Director Mr. Shalindra Kaushik - ENVIS Coordinator
Forest Research Institute(FRI)
Indian Council of Forestry Research Education New forest - P.O.
Phone: 0135-2756414
Fax: 0135-2756865
Email Id: fri@envis.nic.in |
3 |
17 |
Wildlife and Protected Area Management
(Flora, Fauna and Conservation )
http://wiienvis.nic.in |
Dr. P.R. Sinha - Director Dr. V.B. Mathur - ENVIS Coordinator
Wildlife Institute of India(WII)
PO Box NO. 18, Chandrabani
Phone: 0135-2640910, 2640304
Fax: 0135-2640117
Email Id: wii@envis.nic.in |
2 |
9 |
Environmental Problems of Mining
(Ecology and Ecosystems )
http://ismenvis.nic.in |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh - ENVIS Coordinator Centre for Mining and Environment(ISM)
Indian School of Mines
Phone: 0326-2296624
Fax: 0326-2296624, 2296603
Email Id: ism@envis.nic.in |
1 |
74 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://sikenvis.nic.in |
Shri. S.T. Lachungpa - Principal Chief Conservation of Forest cum Secretary Shri. C. Lachungpa - ENVIS Coordinator
Department of Forests,
Environment and Wildlife- Sikkim Forest Secretariat Annex-II,
Ground Floor, Room No.1101/1102, Deorali,
GANGTOK-737 102,
Phone: 0359- 2280381, 2281778
Fax: 0359- 2280381, 2281778
Email Id: sik@envis.nic.in |
2 |
18 |
(Flora, Fauna and Conservation)
http://scstsenvis.nic.in |
Shri. M.L Arrawatia,IFS - Secretary, Dept. of Science & Technology Mr. D.T.Bhutia - ENVIS Coordinator
State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim
GANGTOK-737 102,
Phone: 03592-205551
Fax: 03592-228764
Email Id: scsts@envis.nic.in |
1 |
59 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://goaenvis.nic.in |
Dr. N.P.S. Varde - Director/Jt. Secy. (STE) Dr. Mohan R. Girap - ENVIS Coordinator
Department of Science, Technology and Environment
Saligao Plateau,
Saligao Bardez-403 511,
Phone: 0832-2407186
Fax: 0832-2407186
Email Id: goa@envis.nic.in |
1 |
55 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://asmenvis.nic.in |
Dr. Satyendra Kumar Choudhury - Director Shri. Jaideep Baruah - ENVIS Coordinator
Assam Science, Technology and Environmental Council
Bigyan Bhawan, G.S. Road,
Guwahati-781 005,
(Assam )
Phone: 0361-2464619
Fax: 0361-2464617
Email Id: asm@envis.nic.in |
1 |
38 |
Bioinformatics - Vector Control
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology)
http://iictenvis.nic.in |
Dr. J.S. Yadav - Director Dr. U.Suryanarayana Murthy - ENVIS Coordinator
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology(IICT)
Habsiguda, Uppal Road,
Hyderabad-500 007,
(Andhra Pradesh)
Phone: 040-27193134
Fax: 040-27193227
Email Id: iict@envis.nic.in |
2 |
43 |
Eastern Ghats Ecology
(Ecology and Ecosystems)
http://eptrienvis.nic.in |
Mr. Indrajit Pal - IAS, Director General Dr. Razia Sultana - ENVIS Coordinator
Environment Protection Training and Research Institute(EPTRI)
91/4, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad-500 032,
(Andhra Pradesh)
Phone: 040-23180103, 23180114
Fax: 040-23180135
Email Id: eptri@envis.nic.in |
3 |
84 |
Status of Environment and Related Issuess
(Status of Environment)
http://apenvis.nic.in |
Mr. Inderjit Pal - Director General Dr. Razia Sultana - ENVIS Coordinator
Environment Protection Training and Research Institute(EPTRI)
91/4, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad-500 032,
(Andhra Pradesh)
Phone: 040-23180103, 23180114
Fax: 040-23180135
Email Id: ap@envis.nic.in |
1 |
68 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://manenvis.nic.in |
Dr. M. Homeshowor Singh - Senior Scientific Officer Dr. Y. Nabachandra Singh - ENVIS Coordinator
Environment and Ecology Wing - Dept. of Forests and Environment
Porompat (Near DC Imphal-East),
Imphal (East)-795 010,
Phone: 0385-2227625
Fax: 0385-2227625, 2446670
Email Id: man@envis.nic.in |
1 |
73 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://rajenvis.nic.in |
Mr. Ashok Jain - Chairperson Mr. Vijai Singhal - ENVIS Coordinator
Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board
4, Institutional Area, Jhalana Doongari,
Jaipur-302 004,
(Rajasthan )
Phone: 0141-2705731, 2707285,2711263
Fax: 0141-2709980
Email Id: raj@envis.nic.in |
1 |
86 |
(Ecology and Ecosystems )
http://cazrienvis.nic.in |
Dr. M.M. Roy - Director Shri. Tirth Das - ENVIS Coordinator
Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI)
Dr. Raheja Library,
Jodhpur-342 003,
Phone: 0291-2740931,0291-2740706
Fax: 040-3000361
Email Id: cazri@envis.nic.in |
1 |
70 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://nagenvis.nic.in |
Dr. Seyiekhreipuo John - Executive Director Dr. Inakhe Sumi - Senior Programme Officer
Nagaland Institute of Health and Social Welfare
Moses Complex, S-2, N.S.F., Marhyr's Park, Upper PWD
Kohima-797 001,
Phone: 0370-2245619, 2245566
Fax: 0370-2240626, 2245615, 2240180
Email Id: nag@envis.nic.in |
1 |
79 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://wbenvis.nic.in |
Shri. M.L. Meena - Principal Secretary Mr. Arijit Banerjee - Senior Environment Officer
Department of Environment - West Bengal
Block 'G', 2nd Floor, Writers' Buildings,
Kolkata-700 001,
(West Bengal)
Phone: 033-22141357
Fax: 033-22145592, 22141356
Email Id: wb@envis.nic.in |
2 |
8 |
Faunal Biodiversity
(Flora, Fauna and Conservation )
http://zsienvis.nic.in |
Dr. Ashok Sanyal - Director Dr. T.K. Pal - ENVIS Coordinator
Zoological Survey of India(ZSI)
Prani Vigyan Bhawan M Block, New Alipur
(West Bengal)
Phone: 033-24003925, 24008595,24006893
Fax: 033-24006893
Email Id: zsi@envis.nic.in |
1 |
77 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://upenvis.nic.in |
Shri. Yashpal Singh - Director Dr. R. K. Sardana - ENVIS Coordinator
Environment Directorate - Uttar Pradesh
Vinit Khand-1, Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow-226 010,
(Uttar Pradesh)
Phone: 0522-2300541, 2300549
Fax: 0522-2300543
Email Id: up@envis.nic.in |
2 |
2 |
Toxic Chemicals
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology )
http://itrcenvis.nic.in |
Dr. Ashwani Kumar - Director Dr(Mrs.) Poonam Kakkar - ENVIS Coordinator
Industrial Toxicological Research Centre(ITRC)
Post Box No.80 Mahatma gandhi Marg,
Lucknow-226 001,
(Uttar Pradesh )
Phone: 0522-2284591, 2621856, 2613357, 2627586
Fax: 0522-2228227, 2611547
Email Id: itrc@envis.nic.in |
3 |
36 |
Indicators of Plant Pollution
(Flora, Fauna and Conservation )
http://nbrienvis.nic.in |
Dr. C.S. Nautiyal - Director Dr. Nandita Singh - ENVIS Coordinator
National Botanical Research Institute(NBRI)
Rana Pratap Marg ,
Lucknow-226 001,
(Uttar Pradesh )
Phone: 0522-2205842 (303), 2205839
Fax: 0522-2205847
Email Id: nbri@envis.nic.in |
1 |
67 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment )
http://mahenvis.nic.in |
Dr. B.N. Patil - ENVIS Coordinator Environment Department
New Administrative Building, 15th Floor,
Madam Cama Marg, Mantralaya,
Mumbai-400 032,
Phone: 022-22854707, 22855082
Fax: 022-22025946
Email Id: mah@envis.nic.in |
2 |
15 |
Avian Ecology including Inland, Wetlands
(Ecology and Ecosystems)
http://bnhsenvis.nic.in |
Dr. Asad R. Rahmani - Director Bombay Natural Histroy Society(BNHS)
Hornbill House,
Dr. Salim Ali chowk Saheed Bhagat Singh road ,
Mumbai-400 023,
(Maharashtra )
Phone: 022-22821811
Fax: 022-22837615
Email Id: bnhs@envis.nic.in |
3 |
31 |
Management of Plastic, Polymer Wastes and Biopolymers,
Impacts of Plastic on Eco-System
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology)
http://icpeenvis.nic.in |
Shri. K.G. Ramanathan - President Shri. T.K. Bandopadhyay - ENVIS Coordinator
Indian Centre for Plastic in the Environment (ICPE)
OLYMPUS House, 2nd Floor,
25, Raghunath Dadaji Street (Near Fort House Formerly Handloom House)
Fort Mumbai-400 001,
(Maharashtra )
Phone: 022-22617137, 22617165, 40022491
Fax: 022-22617168
Email Id: icpe@envis.nic.in |
4 |
50 |
Urban Municipal Waste Management
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology )
http://nswaienvis.nic.in |
Dr. Amiya Kumar Sahu - President & ENVIS Coordinator National Solid Waste Association of India (NSWAI)
B-703, Customs Colony A, Marol,
Military Road, Andheri (E),
Mumbai-400 059,
(Maharashtra )
Phone: 022-29207577
Fax: 022-29202951
Email Id: nswai@envis.nic.in |
5 |
85 |
Population and Environment
(Media, Environment Education and Sustainable Development)
http://iipsenvis.nic.in |
Dr. F. Ram - Director Dr. R.B. Bhagat - ENVIS Coordinator
International Institute for Population Sciences(IIPS)
Govandi Station Road, Deonar
Mumbai-400 088,
(Maharashtra )
Phone: 022-25563254, 55, 56
Fax: 022-25563257
Email Id: iip@envis.nic.in |
1 |
10 |
Hazardous Waste
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology)
http://www.envis.neeri.res.in |
Dr. T.Chakraborty - ENVIS Coordinator National Environmental Engineering Research Institute(NEERI)
Nehru Marg,
Nagpur-440 020,
(Goa )
Phone: 0712-2226026,2226071
Fax: 0712-2225191
Email Id: neeri@envis.nic.in |
1 |
56 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://bhenvis.nic.in |
Shri. S.N. Rao - Member Secretary Bihar State Pollution Control Board
Beltron Bhawan, 2nd Floor,
Lal Bhadur Shastri Nagar,
Patna-800 023,
Phone: 0612-2281250, 2291709, 2281050
Fax: 0612-2291709
Email Id: bh@envis.nic.in |
1 |
83 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
Non-Operational URL http://ponenvis.nic.in
Operational URL http://www.dste.puducherry.gov.in /envisnew/envis1.htm |
Dr. Ramaswamy Murugan - Dr. N.Ramesh, - ENVIS Coordinator
Puducherry Pollution Control Committee
III Floor, Housing Board Buillding, Anna Nagar,
Puducherry-605 005,
(Pondicherry )
Phone: 0413-2201256
Fax: 0413-2203494
Email Id: pon@envis.nic.in |
1 |
80 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://anenvis.nic.in |
Deputy Secretary Mr. S.H.K. Murti - ENVIS Coordinator
Department of Environment and Forest - Andaman and Nicobar Van Sadan
Haddo P.O. Port Blair,
Port Blair-744 102,
(Andaman and Nicobar)
Phone: 03192-233233
Fax: 03192-230113
Email Id: an@envis.nic.in |
1 |
30 |
Acid Rain and Atmospheric Pollution
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology )
http://iitmenvis.nic.in |
Prof. B.N. Goswami - Director Dr. Gufran Beig - Scientist & ENVIS Coordinator
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM)
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road Pashan
Pune-411 008,
(Maharashtra )
Phone: 020-5893600
Fax: 020-5893825
Email Id: iitm@envis.nic.in |
1 |
57 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://chtenvis.nic.in |
Shri Anil Kumar Sharma - Member Secretry Shri A.P. Sawant - ENVIS Coordinator, Asst. Public Relation Officer
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board
Nanak Niwas, Civil Lines,
Raipur-492 001,
Phone: 0771-2443934, 2425523
Fax: 0771-2443924, 2425585
Email Id: cht@envis.nic.in |
1 |
63 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://jharenvis.nic.in |
Shri. A.K. Mishra - Chief Conservator of Forests –cum- Chief Wildlife Warden Shri. Dharmendra Kumar - Conservator of Forest & ENVIS Coordinator
Working Plan and Research Council Govt. of Jharkhand
Ranchi-834 002,
Phone: 0651-2480655
Fax: 0651-2480655
Email Id: jhar@envis.nic.in |
1 |
35 |
Fly Ash
(Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology )
http://cbrienvis.nic.in |
Prof. S.K. Bhattacharya - Director Dr. L.P. Singh - ENVIS Coordinator
Central Building Research Institute (CBRI)
Roorkee-247 667,
(Uttarakhand )
Phone: 01332-283442, 272391, 2722432
Fax: 1332-272272, 272543
Email Id: cbri@envis.nic.in |
1 |
61 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://hpenvis.nic.in |
Shri. Vikram - Dr. Alka Sharma - ENVIS Coordinator State Council for Science, Technology and Environment
B-34, SDA Complex, Kasumpti,
Shimla-171 009,
(Himachal Pradesh)
Phone: 0177-2622490,2620998, 2622923, 2633923
Fax: 0177-2620998
Email Id: hp@envis.nic.in |
1 |
62 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://jkenvis.nic.in |
Director Mrs. M.A.W.Deva - ENVIS Coordinator
Directorate of Environment and Remote Sensing
SDA Complex Bemina Srinagar
(Jammu and Kashmir )
Phone: 0194-2438994
Fax: 0194-2490823
Email Id: jk@envis.nic.in |
1 |
65 |
Status of Environment and Related Issues
(Status of Environment)
http://kerenvis.nic.in |
Dr. E.P. Yesodharan - Dr. Kamalakshan Kokkal - Principal Scientific Officer & ENVIS Coordinator
Science, Technology and Environment Department Govt. of Kerala
Sasthra Bhawan, Pattom P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram-695 004,
Phone: 0471-2543701-05
Fax: 0471-2534605/2540085
Email Id: ker@envis.nic.in |
1 |
14 |
Floral Biodiversity
(Flora, Fauna and Conservation)
http://bsienvis.nic.in |
Dr. M. Sanjappa - Director Shri. P.Lakshminarasimhan - ENVIS Coordinator
CNH Building, 3rd Floor Indian Botanic Garden
Howrah-711 103,
(West Bengal )
Phone: 033-26680667, 26683235
Fax: 033-26686226
Email Id: bsi@envis.nic.in |
2 |
19 |
Environmental Biotechnology
(Flora, Fauna and Conservation )
http://deskuenvis.nic.in |
Prof. Arabinda Kumar Das - Vice Chancellor Prof. S.C. Santra - ENVIS Coordinator
Department of Environmental Sciences - Kalyani University
University of Kalyani, Kalyani Dist.
Nadia-741 235,
(West Bengal)
Phone: 033-25808749
Fax: 033-25828282
Email Id: desku@envis.nic.in |
3 |
Biosphere Reserve |
Prof. Saroj Kr. Sanyal - Vice Chancellor Prof. Subrata Maity - ENVIS-In-charge
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya
Nadia-741 252,
(West Bengal)
Phone: 03473-223256/7 Extn. – 258, 033-25879772
Fax: 033-25828460, 03473 222275 |