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| Last Updated: 28/02/2025

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Tamil Nadu EIACP PC-Hub, Department Of Environment and Climate Change Has Conducted “Mission Life”Awareness Programme at Punjab Association's Anna Adarsh College for Women,Anna Nagar,Chennai On 14.02.2024

             Tamil Nadu EIACP PC HUB, Department of Environment and Climate Change and ExNoRa Environmental awareness association jointly organized a mega event on Mission LiFE Awareness Programme at Punjab Associations Anna Adarsh College for women, Anna Nagar, Chennai on 14.02.2024. Dr.K.Muthukumar, Programme officer, Tamil Nadu EIACP PC HUB has delivered the key note addressed to the students with power point presentation on the Mission LiFE themes and Impact on Climate Change and Tamil Nadu Government Climate Change initiatives. The participants took the Mission LiFE Pledge to the programme. Totally 150 college students and College professors, EIACP Staffs, ExNoRa members were participated in the event.