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| Last Updated: 10/01/2025

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Tamil Nadu EIACP Pc HUB, The Department Of Environment and Climate Change has Organized an Environmental Awareness Programme on “International Day for Forest 2024” Through Tree Plantiation And Cleaning Activities On 21.03.2024 at Queen Maris College, Chennai -15

Tamil Nadu EIACP PC HUB, Department of Environment and Climate Change, Ex NoRa International & Trisakha Foundation and Queen Mary's College  NSS have Jointly organized an Environmental Awareness Program on "International Day of Forests on Tree Plantation and Eco Park Cleaning Activity" which was held on 21st March 2024 at 7.00 A.M at Queen Maris College Eco Park Premises. Dr. K. Muthukumar, Program Officer, Department of Environment and Climate Change has flag off the cleaning activities and Tree plantation on Eco Park at Queen Maris College. Thiru. S. Senthur Pari ExNoRa International President has motivated the students and Trisakha Foundation voluntaries.   Thiru. R.Govindaraj, Joint General Secretary, Thiru. K. Mohanasundaram ExNoRa International Trustee, Exnora Greater Chennai explained the importance of Tree and forests conservation. ExNoRa Office-Bearers members and more than 100 college students and Trisakha Foundation voluntaries were participating the program. Finally, Herbal Saplings were distributed to the students.