In celebration of 'World Environment Day 2024,' the Tamil Nadu EIACP PC HUB, Department of Environment and Climate Change has conducted a webinar on "Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience" on 26.05.2024. Dr. K. Muthukumar, Programme Officer, welcomed the speaker and participants and Dr. C.R. Mahesh, Scientist-C, Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi has briefed about the importance of Land Restoration -impacts, benefits and has also delivered the Mission LiFE themes how to involve into day-to-day activities. At the end of the event, Dr.K. Muthukumar, Programme Officer, EIACP PC HUB, DOE & CC have the vote of thanks key speakers and participants. A total of 50 individuals participated in this programme